Monday, September 23, 2013

Nail lady:  Are you going on vacation?

Me:  No......

Nail lady:  Why the light color on your nails?

Me:  I like the color

Nail lady:  Oh

Seriousy, no seriously, everytime I pick a color for my nails she's got something to say about the season we are in......Stop trying to sell me on this fall/winter/summer/spring nail color shizzzz....I'll get whatever color I damn well please, irregardless of the season, it's not that serious, just paint my flipping nails :/.

P.S.-  It's monday (captin obvious over here), I'm hungry, I don't want to study, I'm hungry, I'm crabby and I'm hungry.  Yes, I said hungry three times.  Protein (insert lean meat here) and asparagus is no longer considered food.  It can be catorgerized as a torture device......just saying.

Rant complete.....Slap a smile on your face and suck it up princess :).