Tuesday, January 14, 2014

All before 9am....

Stupid shit I've already done today....

1) Moved seats in class because I wanted more space, I was smashed against the wall.  Now I'm stuck next to the autism spectrum genius talking out loud to himself while doing his work along with reading my paper and telling me I did a problem wrong...FUN!

2) Okay, this is something I do often and it's flat out ridiculous, time to call myself out on it.  You know how when you make oatmeal it grows gargancchuin in size??  Well, instead of putting it in a taller bowl for some reason I like the challenge of having to turn my head every 5 seconds to see if it overloaded like lava out of the bowl into a gooey mess I'll later have to clean up.  Yeah, I know dumb smart girl :).

3) Looking for a closer parking spot at the gym, this is another one I do often and can't logically wrap my brain around.....YOU'RE GOING TO THE GYM!!!  I don't think that extra walking is going to hurt you sweetie! 
