Friday, June 21, 2013

Rescue complete

I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume that it doesn't come as a surprise that a chick who drives a Subaru outback breaks for and tries to save wildlife when possible.

Story time......

So I'm driving along on my way to da do do da do, when  I see a snapping turtle trying to cross the road.  My first response was awwwwww....poor guy. Then that voiced kicked in (don't say awwww, do something about it.).  So I whipped my Subaru around, parked on the shoulder of the road, threw my hazards on and jumped outta the car.  I assessed the situation and realized this guy or girl was gonna try and bite me before it let me help it in any way shape or form.  Just like a lot of people I deal with on the daily, so pretty routine, just a different species;).  So, I use my phone a friend card, he says pick it up between the legs on the shell.....As I'm on the phone a guy pulls up to help me.  You see the chain there, I'm trying to help the turtle and the guy is trying to help me help the  So long story short, the guy picked up the ornery snapping turtle and got him to the swampy side of the road he was trying to get to.  Operation save the turtle complete.  :)

Pieces to the story