Thursday, February 7, 2013

2 more days

Repeat after me.......

  • 2 more days and I get a day off.
  • Both tests are done, 91,(a B with the grading scale) on my nursing one, which honestly I'm not even mad about considering I devoted most of my study time to my math quiz.  I needed that grade more today. Idk what I got on that one yet.  I think an A but I never know with math.
  • Speak up in physical therapy, let her know she left you in the mental and physical state of seriously contemplating chopping your arm off from the nerve irritation in the last session :).
  • Austin's first game will most likely be canceled today.  That's both :( and :).  
  • The first day of clinicals will be the worst, so just grin and bare it my dear.
  • This month will fly by, focus on the fact that you will be helping people. :)
  • You won't be in 6 day week cycle forever, SUCK IT UP and KEEP IT MOVING DARLING!
  • If you want cushion for the next program you're applying to, work your ass off now!!