Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I'm working on my Alzheimers project and I came across this......I didn't know and thought it was interesting.

  •       In 1986, President Ronald Reagan's "I don't remember," "I don't recall" responses seemed to many to be lame answers to questions about political dealings. However, it turns out that they may have been the truth. In 1994, former President Ronald Reagan announced that he had Alzheimer's disease (AD).

Alzheimer’s and society 
  •        Educational content derived from social media insights promotes effective dialogue between patients, care partners, and the healthcare team. In turn, this may increase awareness and understanding of barriers for patients and care partners, and help them work with their healthcare team to make informed treatment decisions. Our analysis demonstrates the value of online listening and its potential for improving treatment outcomes. Online communities are an inexpensive source of untapped patient and care partner insights in discussions driven by patients and care partners themselves, versus an outside source. HealthEd found that this unstructured space can uncover unique barriers that can drive potential innovation and add another layer to existing findings from structured research. And the insights are available for analysis immediately.
    source- Health Ed
    Coolest AD image I've found so far :)