Monday, December 17, 2012

6 o'clock already, I was just in the middle of a dream ;)

It's just another manic monday
I wish it were a Sunday
That's my funday
My I dont have to run day

-The Bangels

My brain feels fuzzy this morning, I think it's still waking up.  I started thinking about what I have to do today when I was making Austin's breakfast.  I thought I didn't have anything to do but I have more to do than I realized, so here goes.

My Tadaaaaa list (to do).  Tadaaaaa is way more fun than to do so I'm now calling my to do lists tadaaaa lists.  Yes, I'm aware of my nerd status you don't need to remind me :)

  • Stick my body in a monstrous magnet.  MRI (kind of nervous for that one)
  • Sell back books (get a fraction of what I payed) SUPER!
  • Pick up notes from Dr. Quiet Face
  • Make an appearance at Dr. Tall's
  • Make an appointment for my stinky Marley baby to get groomed
  • Get my nails didded up
  • Hopefully workout (fingers crossed that my body says it's okay)
  • Get supplies for Austin's school project
  • Get stocking stuffers 
  • Finish up with christmas shopping
  • Fax Mercy the medical release form to transfer Austin's medical history 
I think that's it, I'm sure I'm forgetting things.  Not a lot to do today but more than I thought.  

As far as the MRI goes.....My head and shoulders have to be in the tube, I hope I don't flip out and ninja kick a technician!!  I still have vicodin from the muscle spasm fiasco but I have zero desire to take that mind trip this morning.  That would most likely have me cranking out the productivity level of a sloth for the day, no bueno.  I will just have to pull up my big girl panties and suck it up ;}

The End.....for now