I havent been on here in FOR-EV-ER!!
I miss writing random words and posting dramatic thoughts.
Sooooo......Here goes.....
Goals for this week
- Get An A on my math final.
- Austin's Christmas concert at school wednesday night.
- Ease back into running.
- Sign up for a random new class at the gym to meet some new randoms :)
- Cross my fingers that my MRI comes back clean!
- Go see the Grinch who stole christmas in chicago with Austin tuesday night.
- Thank my lucky stars for everything I have in my life
Night Nights :)
I miss writing random words and posting dramatic thoughts.
Sooooo......Here goes.....
- I got a 100% on my Biology final :)!!! A in the class!!! Gold Star right here :)
- One more final....2morrow and I'm done for 2 whole weeks!!!!
- I'm so excited to clean...wooooo....and run and lift.....Yes, sadly this is what I'm looking forward to....mundane tasks that I have neglected the last few weeks. Anything that will relax my brain cells for a min!
- My day started out amazing, what I thought was going to be a cancellation with "Mr. YoN" was in fact a 4:30am text stating he was on his way.
- Who does that? Who on this god's green earth wakes up at 4:30am to help their friend with their Math final?!! "Mr.YoN" does :)
- I Couldn't have been happier with what transpired today.
- I don't remember the last time I heard someone, other than my parents look at me and say they are proud of me and actually really mean it.
- I havent really done much to earn it before. I finally know what I want and I'm working my ass off to get it.
- It felt good to have someone believe in me....It's been awhile.
- And his good deed made me want to do a good deed, I forgot how good that feels too!!
Goals for this week
- Get An A on my math final.
- Austin's Christmas concert at school wednesday night.
- Ease back into running.
- Sign up for a random new class at the gym to meet some new randoms :)
- Cross my fingers that my MRI comes back clean!
- Go see the Grinch who stole christmas in chicago with Austin tuesday night.
- Thank my lucky stars for everything I have in my life
Night Nights :)