- I went hard at the gym today....100+ body weight squats, 60 on the smith machine and circuit.
- Because of #1 I may need a wheel chair tomorrow....or at least some assistance when trying to stand. ;).
- Dating as a single mother blows but I'm not getting any younger so I'm actually going to have to start answering my phone and saying yes to dates.
- Please don't get my health obsession twisted, I have my binge days just like anyone else. DO NOT compare my all star days with your binge days cause I'm right there with you.
- Hooray to starting to get R.O.M back in my neck......
- **DISCLAIMER** #7 is gross, if you don't want to read something gross don't read #7, go straight to #8, k beautiful faces :)
- I had to take my doggie to the vet today...he had an infected anal gland and he has a heart murmur :(. So, an antibiotic shot, nail clipping, wellness exam and antibiotics to take home came to a grand total of.....can I get a drum roll please.......210 dollars. My Mar-mar's feeling better, priceless!
- As for the Heart Murmur, I have to count is respiratory rate to see if he needs meds. I'm gonna use my stethoscope on his furry dogginess and listen for the swooshing noise along with the lubadubdub.
- Random information I learned today, according to my vet, the average respiratory rate of a dog is 12-34. Human's average 12-20.......
- Annndddd.....Awesome thing that happened today, I was walking my doggie, a woman stopped and told me I dropped my glove. Thank you kind lady, for restoring a pinch of my faith in humanity, much obliged!!!
- If you are reading this, I hope your day was wonderful or at least tolerable :)
In the summer = Fitness music motivation health inspiration + In the winter = Most likely something depressing or more artistic. Yeah, I know, do the math.....