Saturday, March 2, 2013

Lion or Lamb

I threw a mean right hook to an old bitter nurse's jaw in my mind today. She had all sorts of judgements to throw on me. Nothing related to work, no affiliation with anything I was doing, just straight personal subjective crap. Everything was fine till I didn't agree with her, then I was the devil. I kept my cool, I simply said you have your opinion and I have mine. It is what it is and i disengaged from that negative vortex she tried to suck me into. Booooommmmm......pat on the back for handling my own with a woman who would eat her own young.

Clinicals are over...:) :(.

I'm exhausted today for some reason.

Im going to have way too much time on my hands after Thursday. I wonder how many out of state friends I can visit in a month......

My moms in Costa Rica right now and I'm watching her dog. Can I fast forward past the hard work part to the traveling the world part...........nope, but that'd be super. ;).

I smell like really, I smell like death.