I always feel so ghetto going to the Walgreens take care clinic for shots and physicals, but it's convient and the NP's are actually nice and have interesting stories. My TB 2step test, physical, and flu shot are done. My BP came back surprisingly low......112/75 (31 y/o). I was surprised it read that low cause I o.d.'ed on coffee this morning :).
Ages 15-19 and 20-24
- For ages 15 to 19, the minimum blood pressure
should be 105 (systolic) and 73 (diastolic), and the maximum blood pressure should not exceed 120 (systolic) and 81 (diastolic).
For ages 20 to 24, the minimum blood pressure should be 108 (systolic) and 75 (diastolic), and the maximum blood pressure should not exceed 132 (systolic) and 83 (diastolic).
Ages 25-29 and 30-34
- For ages 25 to 29, the minimum blood pressure should be 109 (systolic) and 76 (diastolic), and the maximum blood pressure should not exceed 133 (systolic) and 84 (diastolic).For ages 30 to 34, the minimum blood pressure should be 110 (systolic) and 77 (diastolic), and the maximum blood pressure should not exceed 134 (systolic) and 85 (diastolic).
Ages 35-39 and 40-44
- For ages 35 to 39, the minimum blood pressure should be 111 (systolic) and 78 (diastolic), and the maximum blood pressure should not exceed 135 (systolic) and 86 (diastolic).For ages 40 to 44, the minimum blood pressure should be 112 (systolic) and 79 (diastolic), and the maximum blood pressure should not exceed 137 (systolic) and 87 (diastolic).
Ages 45-49 and 50-54
- For ages 45 to 49, the minimum blood pressure should be 115 (systolic) and 80 (diastolic), and the maximum blood pressure should not exceed 139 (systolic) and 88 (diastolic).For ages 50 to 54, the minimum blood pressure should be 116 (systolic) and 81 (diastolic), and the maximum blood pressure should not exceed 142 (systolic) and 89 (diastolic).
Ages 55-59 and 60-64
- For ages 55 to 59, the minimum blood pressure should be 118 (systolic) and 82 (diastolic), and the maximum blood pressure should not exceed 144 (systolic) and 90 (diastolic).For ages 60 to 64, the minimum blood pressure should be 121 (systolic) and 83 (diastolic), and the maximum blood pressure should not exceed 147 (systolic) and 91 (diastolic).
Read more: Normal Blood Pressure Range by Age | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/facts_4829234_normal-blood-pressure-range-age.html#ixzz2JD5ayZ5l