Wednesday, January 16, 2013

SUcked In AGAIN.....

Repeat after me

  • You do deserve better.
  • This situation is no longer positive in any way, shape, or form.
  • You were great before you let the negative in.
  • You dont have time for any roller coaster ride on the devil of emotion.
  • You are Pms'ing so it's probably hurting you more than it should right now :).
  • You have school to focus on.
  • Channel that negative energy into a positive.
  • You have amazing friends and family if you get too weak to stand on your own.
  • Do not get sucked back into the whirling vortex of childish behavior.
  • Cry and let it go.
  • Tomorrow is another day and you'll be so busy that you won't have time to dwell on the fucked up logic of it all.
