Saturday, January 19, 2013

Friday & Saturday

I got to see two of my favorite girls last night :).

Erica post poned her grad school homework so we could meet up for dinner.

Her homework is crazy intense....not looking forward to those days!

Thanks for making time for me!!

Then of course, Jen was bar-tending, that girl is always making money!!

Made me realize the type of girls I'm friends with are the smart ones ;).

Yup, Yup!!!!!!!

Saturday's world

Today is a day filled with reading/writing/ and math.

I've got my give up on life pants, check

My baggy sweat shirt, check

A fridge of fruits and veggies, check

Coffee and Green Tea, check

I plan on studying all day and night with a gym break in there somewhere

and possibly a movie with one of my oldest friends,

I think it's been ten years now that we've been friends.

From him putting up with me as a twat of a 20 something, to now helping me

with math and listening to all my crazy creative business ideas.

I suppose he just understands me and knows me, and surprisingly has my back anyway...hehe

Anyway, holy tangent!

If I can talk him into seeing MAMA......

I love me some scary thriller movies...hehe

Accutane progress.....

So far, so great :)